Example of a Good Neighbor Agreement

Sample Good Neighbor Agreement

Forgotten Realms gives a group of houseless citizens a safe place to live until this housing crisis can be resolved, we know the importance of establishing and maintaining positive relationships with our neighbors. Becoming a member of a community is a social contract. Our neighbors hold us (our residents and those who use the rest area for a temporary respite from the harsh streets) hold us accountable to certain standards of behavior, just as we expect the same from our neighbors.

We, the cosigners of this “Good Neighbor Agreement” affirm our shared commitment and responsibility to uphold community values and standards in all of our residents in Multnomah County and the City of Portland.

      We will operate a community that is presentable and in view of the streets that boarder our grounds (N. Kerby and N. Graham). We have very limited resources and are surrounded by a fence, but we will address any issues that can be seen by passing motorists and pedestrian traffic that would be deemed by reasonable people as “unsightly” and what would meet that criteria for any home/business in the area. We have plans to create opportunities to improve the appearance on our area and would welcome any and all suggestions that are creative and responsible by the surrounding community that would improve our area.

We will expect everyone at Forgotten Realms to show respect for our neighbors by obeying the laws and community standards and to endeavor to take neighbors’ individual needs into consideration, as would be expected of any neighbor.

We will respond quickly to any questions or concerns from neighbors and will provide contact information whenever requested, so neighbors know who to call. We will strive to ensure that individuals providing support in the community will focus on the safety and well-being of everyone in the community.

We will welcome opportunities for neighbors to get to know our residents (members) as they would other neighbors, for example, attending a neighborhood event or attending neighborhood meetings.

In turn, we ask our neighbors to welcome us as they would other neighbors, let us know directly and promptly of any questions or concerns, and understand and respect our residents’ (members) need for privacy.





This Community Good Neighbor Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into between Forgotten Realms and the City of Portland, the local neighborhood association that exist in the surrounding area and nearby businesses for the purpose of fostering improved public safety and to augment efforts by the City and the community to reduce crime, nuisance activity, and the disruptive activity in and around Forgotten Realms.

Background for Agreement

1.)    Current establishment of an encommunityment for those experiencing houselessness within the City of Portland.

2.)    Local businesses and community residents have complained about increased crime in the area, including, but not limited to, increased drug activity, theft, noise, garbage, violations of policies of local businesses and intimidation.

3.)    Current leaders of Forgotten Realms are aware of community concerns regarding criminal activity associated with the premises and surrounding areas. Representatives have met with the community and their other residents/businesses in more than one forum to discuss these concerns. Some of the community have expressed concerns and feelings regarding ability of Forgotten Realms to address these issues adequately.

4.)    To further Forgotten Realms’ goal, Forgotten Realms agrees to use good faith efforts to follow the practices set forth below.



1.)    Forgotten Realms will continue already placed security measures that address any and all issues brought forth by our neighbors and welcome scrutiny of our procedures which are in place to addresses criminal activity that would adversely affect our neighbors. We have excluded problematic members and those who come in for a respite known as (overnighters) for behaviors that are in direct contradiction to our already established code of conduct. Some of the reasons for exclusions are related to any criminal activity, disruptive behaviors and a person’s refusal to abide by our code of conduct (our code of conduct is available for your review).

2.)    We will address any concerns immediately involving violation of local business policies such as smoking on the premises of Legacy Emanuel Hospital or being disruptive when utilizing common areas such as the cafeteria (which would include profane language or loud talking) that is deemed to be disruptive when other patrons of the area engage in the same behaviors.

3.)    Our members will refrain from picking up cigarette discards known as “snipping” on the grounds of the hospital or other businesses or residents that would object to such practices. Public streets or other public places will not be considered for the purposes of this agreement.

4.)    We will establish patrols to walk the streets of N. Kerby and N. Graham from the intersection of N. Graham and N. Kerby to the end of the area that is the City of Portland owned land. We will report any and all suspicious behavior when walking the area and/or anything within our line of sight (from inside of the Forgotten Realms).

5.)    We, the members of Forgotten Realms would endorse the use of video cameras or other visual recording devices (i.e., cell phone cameras) to record any and all suspected offenders that would pose a reasonable issue of concern. In turn, the recorded images of suspected violators will be shared with the supervisory members so that they can address the problem.

6.)    We will listen to any concerns of all parties regarding those who may not reside at Forgotten Realms (city park or public street issues) of those who tend to make all houseless citizens look bad. We will approach the problematic people and address them with respect in a non-aggressive manner and attempt to “reason with them”. If we are unable to reach a satisfactory resolution then we will provide the city (police, business security or affected citizens) with this information so they may do what is deemed necessary to address the problem.

7.)     The members and overnight guests will comply with all occupancy limits of Forgotten Realms.

8.)    Any conduct of any of the guests that come to visit members that is in violation of this agreement will be dealt with immediately upon knowledge of the issue which can range from a warning for minor violations up to exclusion and possible police involvement.

9.)    We will refuse to admit anyone that appears to be demonstrating verbal or physical violence including threats or intimidation to the residents, sanctioned overnighters or are making threats to any of our neighbors. If we hear anyone making plans to commit a crime or admit to a crime in our neighborhood we will report it to the appropriate authorities.

10.)Forgotten Realms will use its best efforts to reduce, discourage and eliminate persons loitering outside of the area (community).

11.) Forgotten Realms will criminally trespass anyone found to be on their premises that has been excluded for egregious behaviors that pose a safety issue for our area. We will advise the appropriate authority if we are aware of any issue that has already been addressed that could potentially cause harm to one of our neighbors (such as seeing someone in violation of a Order of Protection (restraining order (TRO).

12.)Forgotten Realms will notify the Portland Police Department and/or security personnel of any criminal activity, including illegal drug transactions and prostitution. Forgotten Realms will cooperate in any investigation by business security and police to ensure that we all live in the safest of possible environments.

13.) Forgotten Realms acknowledges that compliance with the terms of this Community Good Neighbor Agreement does not by itself, constitute fulfillment of our responsibility to be a good neighbor and its duty to comply with state and local laws.

14.) Forgotten Realms acknowledge that it has had the opportunity to seek legal counsel regarding the terms of this agreement and enters into this agreement voluntarily.


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